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4.8 ( 1728 ratings )
Muziek Amusement
Developer: s12 GmbH


Ionic v3 / Angular 5
Integration into the the SAS (S12 Client-/Music-Portal) via S12-API
Supported Languages: de, en and fr
Theming per client/brand after login
Passwort-Reset function
AirPlay-Integration and Keychain-Support on iOS
2 different operating modes: Streaming, RemoteApp & Store&Forward

Operating-Mode: Streaming

Login via SAS-User-Credentials
Access user related music channels via S12-API
Stream-Playback of the selected music channel via Icecast-URL
Track- und Time-Information via API-Pull every second from the S12-API
Change of music channel

Operating-Mode: Store&Forward

Login via SAS-User-Credentials
Access user related music channels via S12-API
Fetching playlists and tracks from the S12-API
Playing music based on daily playlists
Fallback-Playlists if daily playlist is missing
Fallback-Track-Logic if current track from daily playlist is missing
Limited offline capability
Change of music channel